V-Lox & V-Lox3

PEEK CF and Titanium Screw-In Suture Anchors

Anika’s V-Lox screw-in suture anchor portfolio is designed for efficiency and ease of use, thereby optimizing patient outcomes. Our V-Lox anchors are recommended for use in both large and small joint soft tissue repairs.

Anika’s V-Lox and V-Lox³ PEEK CF screw-in suture anchors are manufactured from carbon fiber-reinforced PEEK-OPTIMA. Anika’s V-Lox and V-Lox³ Titanium screw-in suture anchors are quick, easy and reliable titanium implants that deliver high strength and stability while reducing the need for drilling and tapping.

Key Features & Benefits

V-Lox & V-Lox³ PEEK CF Screw-In Suture Anchors

  • Fully threaded design optimizes cortical fixation and reduces risk of “pull-back”
  • Made of carbon fiber-reinforced PEEK-OPTIMA; non-absorbable, radiolucent, and MR safe
  • Modulus of elasticity closely matching cortical bone

V-Lox & V-Lox³ Titanium Screw-In Suture Anchors

  • Fully threaded design optimizes cortical fixation and reduces risk of “pull-back”
  • Made of 6Al-4V ELI titanium alloy for superior strength
  • Self-tapping threads reduce the need for drilling

W związku z pojawieniem się na polskim rynku produktów Monovisc i Cingal niewiadomego pochodzenia, producent Anika Therapeutics oraz Biotech – podmiot odpowiedzialny za dystrybucję w Polsce, wprowadzają hologram na opakowaniach w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa i skuteczności terapii.

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