Synd-EZ Repair kit

Synd-EZ SS and Synd-EZ Ti Repair Kits

Anika’s Synd-EZ Syndesmosis Repair Kits provide a solution for damage to the syndesmosis joint which connects the tibia and fibula bones of the lower leg. These simple yet effective devices are designed to help stabilize the ankle while permitting movement of the leg bones. Synd-EZ is available in stainless steel (SS), intended for use with a stainless-steel fracture plate, and in titanium (Ti), which can be used with or without a titanium fracture plate.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Versatile titanium or stainless-steel designs
  • Washer included for use without a fracture plate (titanium)
  • Top hat is low profile and self-centering on fracture plates
  • Adjustable knotless construct simplifies surgical procedure
  • Counter traction suture and tension handle are integrated for predictably smooth tensioning of the construct
  • Intended for permanent implantation

W związku z pojawieniem się na polskim rynku produktów Monovisc i Cingal niewiadomego pochodzenia, producent Anika Therapeutics oraz Biotech – podmiot odpowiedzialny za dystrybucję w Polsce, wprowadzają hologram na opakowaniach w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa i skuteczności terapii.

Bądź odpowiedzialny. Kupuj produkty z hologramem na opakowaniu.