Draw Tight DEX

Draw Tight Suture-Based Anchors

Anika’s suture anchor offerings are designed for efficiency and ease of use, thereby optimizing patient outcomes. Our Draw Tight DEX Suture-Based Anchor is ideally suited for foot and ankle soft tissue repair procedures. Made of UHMWPE material and a natural PEEK-OPTIMA power tip.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Small insertional footprint & sub-cortical fixation; bone sparing
  • Deployment suture provides tactile confirmation the anchor has been successfully deployed
  • Reliable insertion and a solid core for strong fixation by means of the unique PEEK power tip driver/implant interface
  • 1.8mm diameter to specifically address small joint soft tissue repairs
  • Equipped with needles to facilitate suture tape passage

W związku z pojawieniem się na polskim rynku produktów Monovisc i Cingal niewiadomego pochodzenia, producent Anika Therapeutics oraz Biotech – podmiot odpowiedzialny za dystrybucję w Polsce, wprowadzają hologram na opakowaniach w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa i skuteczności terapii.

Bądź odpowiedzialny. Kupuj produkty z hologramem na opakowaniu.